Obesity: An emerging epidemiological fact

Some habits we should adopt right now

Fariha Sharzana
5 min readOct 23, 2022
Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

Obesity is a practicing word since the last century and is an emerging epidemic now-a-day. Being overweight and obese is defined in just a little bit different way depending on Body Mass Index (BMI). Overweight means a BMI equal to or greater than 25 and obesity means a BMI equal to or greater than 30.

That’s how overweight can be an alarm on the way to obesity.

How do we define obesity?

Obesity is simply defined as excessive fat accumulation in the body. It depends on how much fat, carbohydrates, and such things one is consuming but does not burn off enough. The excessive energy in his body will be deposited in the body as fat.

Types of obesity:

Table created by the author

Why is it an epidemic?

As an outbreak or rapid spread in a particular time is known as an epidemic, obesity has fitted its’ place in that fact. Obesity has risen in the United States since 1990 approximately. In 2001, a report released by the US Surgeon General raised concerns about the emerging obesity epidemic. This report noted that obesity and obesity-related diseases might overtake smoking soon as the leading cause of preventable death in the United States.

It is estimated that more than 300 million obese people are there worldwide. Approximately 2.8 million adults are dying every year. Among the persons who had obesity in childhood, as a cause of death, 1 in 4 had obesity as recorded.

1 in 5 children and adolescents is affected by obesity in the United States. Obesity in childhood and adolescence has been related to an increase in mortality in adulthood, which make twice the risk of death in adolescents with a BMI >25.0.

Middle-aged persons also are not at risk.

Are environmental and Genetic factors responsible?

Obesity is called a multifactorial disease in which environmental conditions and genes play a significant role in its development of it.

Socio-economic status, parent feeding behavior, diet, etc can be the environmental causes of obesity.

There are some genes associated with the fact of having obesity. Some of such genes are:



· NPC1




These genes have made new pathways to form obesity without any habitual reasons.

How to prevent obesity?

There are some very known ways we can practice to prevent obesity.

· Food habits:

This is undoubtedly the first and foremost way to adopt when you don’t want to be obese.

- Minimally processed food is the first condition.

- Eat whole grain foods.

- The whole vegetable and fruits that are healthy for a particular person. Some people need more vitamin C in their diet while some need vitamin A instead.

- Proteins from fishes and meats in an adequate way as suggested.

- Beans, seeds, and nuts are the sources of healthy vegetable fats to consume.

- Conscious usage of vegetable oils. Yes, not all vegetable oils are healthy to consume. Trying to eat olive and sunflower oil is the best option to remain healthy without gaining fat.

- Limit taking beverages. Alcohol is completely forbidden if you want to lead a healthy life. Other sweet beverages are the precursor to being obese.

- Finally excluding highly processed food from the food habit forever.

· Duration of food consumption:

The way we are eating our food is a fact of obesity. We should choose a smaller amount of food and also a smaller portion of food to prevent overeating. The fact is that when we take our meals taking a longer time, our brain becomes satisfied with a smaller amount of food.

· Electronic device:

Scientists have strongly proven a longer screen time than normal to gain obesity. Several studies are found that spending more time watching screen media gains fatness in children.

· Physical activity:

Dietary modification can be a waste sometimes if physical exercise is not associated with it. Moreover, physical activity can be a precursor of initial weight loss, which prevents depositing fat in particular body parts.

· Patterns of sleep habits:

Perfect sleep time is essential for a healthy body and mind. We can adopt some habits to make perfect sleep:

- Going to sleep early.

- Taking the dinner as early as possible.

- Giving our eyes rest from electronic devices just before sleep.

- Eating enough water is also needed for perfect sleep.

- Getting up early to have physical exercise.

· Stress reduction:

Researchers have made it proved that cortisol, which is a stress hormone, can lead to gaining weight. Adrenal glands release adrenaline and cortisol if we remain stressed. Then the glucose is released into our bloodstream to give us energy.

Even it can trigger sugar cravings! As we know fructose (glucose + fructose=sucrose, that is sugar) is a higher kind of carbohydrate, and gradually it leads to obesity.

So how we can get rid of stress when we are already there:

- Making exercise a habit

- Focusing on what we are eating

- Drinking enough water

- Completing duties from time to time

- Keeping contact with the doctor if it’s needed

Why does prevention matter?

To maintain good health, there is no alternative to prevention. Because obesity is associated with many chronic diseases. If we are not able to prevent it, the diseases are to nest in our bodies for a long, maybe till our death.

The diseases associated with obesity are:

- Metabolic syndrome

- Type 2 diabetes

- High blood pressure

- Heart disease

- Stroke

- Sleep apnea

- Gallbladder stones and some other associated diseases

- Sexual health issues

- Fatty liver disease

- Osteoarthritis (the toughest one to treat)

Thus, prevention can the best option for tackling obesity for a healthy lifestyle.

There are some pathophysiological issues related to the term obesity. The first and foremost thing we can do to prevent this by adopting the tricks mentioned above in our daily life. Staying with chronic diseases is not pleasant in this short-lived world.

Perhaps we can celebrate an obese-free world!



Fariha Sharzana

Passionate about writing. Love to write about Biotechnology, Health, Animals, Biology, Poetries and Current Affairs.